How to Get Along with Your Partner During a Remodel

Remodeling your home can be a stressful time for you and your partner. You probably use the space differently. And naturally, you’ll each have your own unique sense of style. Not to mention the disparities you might have on the topic of money! I’ve often found that by the time a couple starts working with me, they’re overwhelmed with the discussions they’ve had regarding all of this and more. Here are some tips that may help you to through this stressful event with an even stronger relationship than ever before.
Discuss priorities in advance.
If you are the cook in the relationship, for example, you may have stronger feelings about how you want the results of a kitchen remodel to fit your cooking style. Or you might care more about the color, and less about the brand of appliances. Discuss what’s important to each of you up front. Decide together, as much as possible, what the non-negotiables are, as well as what you’re flexible on, and where you’ll need advice from an expert.
Communicate more and better.
Conflicts are never fun, but don’t avoid speaking up during this crucial time. Unexpected costs and budget are what couples will argue about most. But regardless of what you’re discussing, it’s better to err on the side of over-communicating your thoughts and feelings – and being willing to listen to your partner’s point of view too. Practice active listening and validate their opinions.
Schedule time together outside the home.
Couples who remodel are more likely to spend time together at home, entertaining others as well as date nights. You may need to change this up during the remodel, and spend time together elsewhere, so that it’s easier to separate yourselves from the stress. Don’t allow your relationship to be defined or tied to your remodel.
Hire a designer.
A designer like me will know how to take your ideas, research, and knowledge, and then apply them to your project. Designers frequently mediate between both halves of a couple to help them make a decision with unbiased information and expertise.
Keep a sense of humor.
A lot of things can go wrong, and the best way to get through it is with a joke and a laugh. If nothing else, there may be some great stories you can tell your friends and family later.
Overall, a project like this is more likely to help your relationship. In fact, 14% of couples report a better relationship than before a remodel, while only 1% reported a worse! While you’re more likely to fall into the 85% that keep their relationship the same, it can’t hurt to follow these tips and have more fun with the remodel process. If you’re looking for a more fun and functional remodel to your kitchen or bath, contact me at Interiors by Blackwood today!